Green Cross collaborates with others towards a better world

Our partners

Green Cross focuses on creating connections between people and organizations to cooperate more effectively towards a sustainable and just world. Therefore we collaborate with many organizations. Here you will find an overview of our partners, divided into strategic, marketing and communication, operational and project partners.

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Strategic Partners

Earth Charter Nederland

The Earth Charter is a document ánd a global social initiative. It has come about through a global dialogue with all groups of actors in society. Earth Charter was launched in the year 2000, in the Peace Palace in The Hague. Green Cross was involved in the foundation of the charter.

Green Cross LogoGreen Cross International (GCI) is the parent organization of Green Cross Nederland (GCNL). The network is composed of 27 country organizations. GCI connects us to an international network with a rich history and countless sustainability projects in running. Read more about the 20-year anniversary of Green Cross in this blog post.

sdg charterThe SDG Charter Network enables companies, civil society and local governments in The Netherlands to effectively cooperate in attaining the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, nationally and abroad. The SDG Charter has been signed by 400 parties, which are strongly committed to realizing the 2030 Agenda. Green Cross Netherlands is also one of the signatories of the SDG Charter.

The global campaign ‘Stop Ecocide: change the Law’, initiated by the Ecological Defence Integrity (EDI), pursues the criminalization of ecocide at the International Criminal Court. Besides acknowledged crimes as genocide, the massive damage, destruction, or loss of ecosystems should become a criminal offense. One of the pioneers in this fight was Polly Higgins, who fought for ecological justice and make ecocide a globally acknowledged environmental crime.

Marketing & Communication Partners

studio hands

Studio Hands: Design for ideas that need to grow. At Studio Hands they prefer to work on ideas that will make the world a bit better, more beautiful or more joyful. They helped us in designing and developing our corporate identity and website. In a broader sense, they are our partner in marketing and communication.

Logo OO&O

Studio OO&O in Eindhoven has been a partner of Green Cross Nederland for a long time. This professional design and advertising agency helps us in designing marketing materials, online content et cetera. They are involved with their clients, give a lot of personal attention, have an eye for detail and work in all possible styles and forms – based on a sustainable relationship.

Studio Birthplace At Studio Birthplace they believe that change starts with awareness. Their goal is to tell important stories with emotion, to touch people in their hearts with the most urgent themes on our planet. They are highly-skilled filmmakers, who have been buried with prizes for their work. We are proud to have them as a partner!

Operational Partners

Open Legal LogoOpen Legal is an accessible and modern law firm in Eindhoven with a preference for dynamic entrepreneurs. Innovative, creative, and original people with surprising, bold, useful, or idealistic products and services. Who think: “Why should we do it?” instead of “why shouldn’t we”. Green Cross falls into this category and enjoys the supports of this remarkable law firm.

NovalisTheaterwerkplaats Novalis is a daytime working space focussed on theater for people with a (minor) mental disability. The starting point is developing talent and personality. Green Cross Netherlands collaborates with Novalis, among else for realizing youth conventions in Vught.

AGREEnAGREEn is a young, international student organization that creates a bridge between the latest scientific knowledge and sustainability issues of companies, organizations and educational and governmental institutions. At AGREEn students of the Radboud University and the HAN University of Applied Science with varied backgrounds look for new creative solutions to divergent issues of different clients. In collaboration with Green Cross they are researching the possibilities for sustainable online conferencing.

Lightyear One is a relatively young Dutch company which, after more than seven years of development, entered the automotive industry with ground-breaking car design. A solar-powered car retrieving its energy from solar panels integrated on the roof. On the 25th of June 2019, Tuesday morning at 5.27 a.m. the first working example was presented to the Dutch public in Katwijk aan Zee where Green Cross Netherland was represented as well. Currently, Green Cross Netherlands and Green Cross USA (Global Green) are exploring the opportunity to present the Light Year One during a tour through the VS to the American audience. Get to know Lightyear One and read the brochure here.

The Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN University of Applied Science) offers a minor on brand management. This has been developed by the study Communication of the Faculty Economy and Management of the HAN, in collaboration with various experts from both science and real life. During the period of half a year (one semester) 25 students attend lectures and workshops on the theory and practice of brand management. In groups of five students, they work on a project, in addition to a number of individual assignments. One of these groups will perform research on the brand of Green Cross Netherlands: how to manage it better and how to profile ourselves more effectively in the marketplace.

Optimal PlanetOptimal Planet is here to make sustainability and the circular economy concrete and verifiable – and through this make and keep the world a more liveable place. They assist by testing, ranking and monitoring organizations and their suppliers, services, and products, with their unique ‘Optimal SCANS’ methodology. Green Cross collaborates with Optimal Planet to help organizations become more sustainable.

Notaris van Schaik Notary’s office Van Schaik offers notary services in and around Bemmel, Huissen, Gendt, Elst, Doornenburg, Haalderen, Angeren, Ressen, and Lent. A typical company from ‘the Betuwe’, which works for private persons and organizations. They support Green Cross Netherlands with advice on, among other things, inheritances.

willemsen en partnersWillemsen & Partners is an accountancy and tax office in Lent/Nijmegen with financial and fiscal experts who offer the newest forms of online and realtime administrative services. A strong team of specialists who have been providing their services to Green Cross Netherlands since 2018.

GlobalGiving GlobalGiving is the largest non-profit crowdfunding platform in the world. They connect non-profits, donors, and companies in almost every country. They help organizations to get access to the tools, training, and support they need to become more effective in making the world a better place. Green Cross has successfully set up a crowdfunding campaign through GlobalGiving for its Speakers for Awareness project.

huis van erasmusFoundation Huis van Erasmus consists of a group of volunteers that has set itself as a goal to bring a tangible, contemporary form to the body of thought of Erasmus. Erasmus was a real citizen of the world: he was willing to place himself in other people’s points of view and learn from others. Dogmatism and fundamentalism were alien to him and thus he felt a strong resentment towards fanaticism. GCNL and Huis van Erasmus are mutual supporters.

Logo-YouBeDoFor YouBeDo, selling books is a means to reach their goals: a fair and just world. Up to 12% of the sales price of a book is donated to a charity. When making a purchase, you can choose from 500 charities. YouBeDo is a partner of Green Cross, especially for Speakers for Awareness.

adelheid en kortekaas

To celebrate the foundation of CGI, the artist duo Huub & Adelheid Kortekaas has offered the beautiful work of art ‘The 3d Golden Plant of The Acre of Peace 1993: The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World’ – see the picture in this blog. Have a look here at the Unifying Field project of the artists.


Partners Green Cross Mobility

logo-wensinkWensink is an automotive business that serves its customers with the help of about 1.300 employees from about 48 locations in the North and East of the country. They see ‘Mobility as a Service’ and quality and sustainability are high on the corporate agenda. They are doing everything in their power to operate as sustainably as possible. Wensink Lease is a strategic partner of Green Cross Mobility and supplies the shared electric lease vehicles for the clusters of users.

Partners Youth Activities

gemeente nijmegen logoThe City of Nijmegen is a partner of Green Cross Netherlands, of which the first Youth Congress, which took place early 2019, stands as an example. Nijmegen has made sustainability into a priority and was elected European Green Capital of the Year in 2018.

de bastei

De Bastei is the center for nature and cultural history in Nijmegen and beyond. They were a partner of Green Cross for the Youth Congress in 2019.

Partners Speakers for Awareness

Speakers for Good Speakers for Good (SfG) is a speaker agency with a mission: offering speakers who solely speak on subjects which lead to a better, more sustainable world. The founder of SfG is Ruud Veltenaar, one of the most frequently booked speakers with the highest ratings in The Netherlands (in the field of sustainability). Speakers for Good is a strategic partner of Speakers for Awareness. Since we are serving the same market, we have chosen to cooperate. All income of SfA is donated to charity. Since we are serving the same market, we have decided to cooperate. The income of SfA is donated to charity.

Waka Waka

WakaWaka enables everyone to use the energy of the sun – backpackers, festival-goers, but also refugees or entrepreneurs in rural areas. Access to energy is a fundamental need; a necessity for everyone. Having light and power means access to education, communication, and the possibility to make a living. WakaWaka is an NGO that we support through SfA: speakers donate their fees to an impact project of their choice.

Justdiggit Justdiggit re-greens degraded land on a large scale by capturing rainwater and by introducing sustainable agriculture to create healthy ecosystems. Healthy ecosystems are a necessary condition for healthy economies. Justdiggit is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.


Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY) is a Bolivian NGO which works to educate on the environment and cares for sick, mistreated, and deserted wildlife. For over 20 years CIWY is working by saving wildlife from illegal trade, giving a purpose to neglected youth by involving them in the care for wildlife and educating the Bolivian public to respect wildlife. CIWY is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

With the initiative Green Cross Mobility (GCM) Green Cross Netherlands applies itself to creating a more sustainable future with shared electric vehicles throughout The Netherlands. Mobility determines a large part of our ecological footprint. Car usage has to decrease and become more efficient, we believe at Green Cross Netherlands. GCM is a non-profit foundation which is supported as an impact project through SfA.

Peace Brigades International – Netherlands (PBI) strives to better protection of defenders of human rights, who are championing nature and human rights. Without choosing sides and always without violence, PBI stands in the position that everyone should be able to stand up for their rights. PBI is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Lion Heart Foundation

The mission of Lion Heart Foundation is offering quality, accessible, and affordable health care to the population of the Tonkolili district in Sierra Leone. The goal is to support the Lion Heart Medical Centre in Yele to (financial) self-reliance and transfer the organization healthy and later independent to the local organization in Sierra Leone. Lion Heart is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Wakibi supports innovative entrepreneurs in developing countries with microcredits. They are doing this by connecting lenders and entrepreneurs in developing countries through On the platform, entrepreneurs present themselves ánd their project. Individuals or businesses can lend a micro-credit starting at 25 euro. This amount is repaid in steps. Then the lender can choose to get this amount refunded or lend it again. Wakibi is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

   Water for Life believes that everyone in the world has a right to reliable, clean drinking water. The Dutch water companies Vitens, Evides Waterbedrijf, WML, and Waterbedrijf Groningen believe the same and started the tap water fund Water for Life. Together these companies improve the drinking water facilities in developing countries. Their customers can become a donor and non-customers can make a single donation or raise money through a campaign they can organize themselves. Water for Life is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Landesa Rural Development Institute is a non-profit organization that cooperates with governments and local organizations to help secure legal land rights for the poorest families in the world. Since 1967 Landesa helped over 100 million families in over 35 countries to get legal control over their lands. Landesa is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Solidaridad has 50 years of experience in increasing sustainability in supply chains. Together with everyone in the value chain  – from farmer to multinational – they are working on fair products, which are not harmful to people or nature and are profitable for everyone. Solidaridad works in 13 value chains and is active in 5  continents through 8 regional offices. Landesa is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Artsen Zonder GrenzenArtsen Zonder Grenzen (Médecins Sans Frontières) offers medical emergency aid in conflict areas, with natural disasters and outbreaks of deadly diseases. Independent, impartial, and neutral. They are cooperating with teams of experts who are working day and night to help people in crisis situations: from surgeons to the field hospitals to the fundraiser on the street. Médecins Sans Frontières is an NGO of which we are supporting an impact project through SfA.

Semilla-Sanitation-Hubs Semilla Sanitation Hubs form a closed wastewater treatment unit, using advanced space technology to convert sanitary wastewater into clean water and fertilizers for food production. The modules are extremely flexible and can be placed in the most extreme environments. Semilla contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, which states that in 2030 everyone should have access to clean drinking water and hygienic sanitation. Green Cross Netherlands thinks this is a great venture and included the hubs as an impact project for SfA. In cooperation with other country divisions of GC we will choose an organization for which we help finance a hub.

PlasticWaste2Fuel is an innovative initiative that actively contributes to solving the global plastic waste problem we face today. After years of development and adjustments the mission to finalize the concept has been accomplished with a beautiful solution. The final draft of a machine that converts 20,000 kilos of plastic waste to 15,000 to 18,000 liters of oil per day is ready to introduce a new way of plastic waste treatment. The whole production process is 100% emission-free and yields high-quality oil with only 0,0122% sulfur. Therefore, this end product is pure and clean compared to the conventional oil produced yet. The earnings of the SfA project enables to expand this concept on a global scale and gives positive meaning to plastic waste that used to be neglected. Moreover, this initiative creates local employment opportunities and raises environmental awareness.

Become a partner too?

Do you see possibilities for a collaboration of your organization or business with Green Cross Netherlands? Would you like to informally exchange thoughts on how we can be of value to each other? Great! Then please contact us to make an appointment. We would love to engage in a conversation with you to create a beautiful ‘win-win’ situation.

Together to a sustainable society

Rosa Luxemburgstraat 10
6663 LB Lent/Nijmegen
The Netherlands

+31 40 7878787